Mental insecurity is a huge threat to a new fooder achieving his/her health goals, as we've seen on this thread. These are all very truthful points being made about the irony of raw fooders fearing nutrient deficiency while SAD eaters just go about the business of entertaining themselves. It illustrates our culture's belief that humans can invent things that are superior to nature. We haven't shrugged off the idea that we can take a food from nature, cook, process, extract, extrude and package it, and as long as we put the vitamins and minerals back in, it's a whole food again. Think about taking a rose apart and putting all the various chemical constituents in separate little piles. Do you think you could put it back together so that it once again looked and smelled like a rose? No matter how advanced our technology is or becomes, it will never be able to accomplish what nature can do.

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