There are no adverse effects to be had from eating the proper foods.  The way we can know that they are proper is that our senses delight in the consuming of them.  Our culture is sold on the idea that our brains are smarter than our senses (which is another word for intuition, or instinct), so new raw fooders are always seeking to align their eating habits with their previous teachings about what's "nutritious".  This is a big mistake, because those teachings are
generally false.  They come from a system that is more intent on sustaining itself than disseminating truth, and these two interests oppose each other most of the time.  It's tough to discard all that stuff and start with a clean slate but that's really the best thing to do.  Since our culture has found ways of disguising improper foods so that they meet the criteria of our senses, and we've come to associate those foods with pleasant activities and sensations, we have to use our brains a bit at first in order to determine what the proper range of foods is.  This can be done quite definitively through examination of our food acquisition and digestive faculties, which reveal irrefutably that we are biological frugivores.  If we want to be healthy we have to eat like frugivores.  Doing otherwise is what causes degenerative diseases like Diabetes.

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